Tomilish Time : Let's read books!

The weather has been colder recently and some students have been ill with the flu. In order to stop the flu from spreading we have been doing `Read Aloud Broadcasts` instead of the students mixing with people from other classes or grades for Tomilish Time. Both last week and this week we read two books during each broadcast.

Last week the first book we read was about events around the world during the different months.
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Ms. Keiko read the Japanese page and Ms. Emily read the foreign countries page.

It was very interesting for students to see the different festivals and events around the world and compare them to Japan.

The second book we read last week was `The Little Red Hen`.
red hen.jpg

It was about Hen(a chicken) who had to do all the work while her friends Dog, Cat and Mouse all refused to help. In the end Hen ate the cake she made all by herself and her friends learned to help.

This week the first book we read was `Go Away Green Monster`. Setsubun is coming soon so we picked books with a monster theme.

In this book we talked about the different colored body parts of the monster.

The monster was scary so we decided to make it go away by saying "See you!" to each body part.
IMG_9982.jpg "See you, face!"

The students waved goodbye and said "See you!" in their classrooms, too.
IMG_9987.jpg "See you, face!"

The body parts that we said "See you!" to, disappeared!
IMG_0880.jpg It was so funny!

Everyone laughed a lot!
IMG_9989.jpg The monster was not scary any more!

The second book that we read this week was `Big feet`. It has been snowy this week so this was the perfect story to read.

There were very big footprints in the snow. I wonder what made them?
IMG_0882.jpg Was it a dinosaur? Or a monster? Or a giant?

IMG_0883.jpg It was just Dad playing a joke! How funny!

It was a good story!
`Read Aloud Broadcasts` are very fun but we hope everyone feels better soon so we can have normal Tomilish Time again!
Take care!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Upper Grades Tomilish Time : Let's practice!

This week during Upper Grades Tomilish Time both 5th and 6th grade students practiced the English they have been studying in class.

5th grade students have recently been studying the phrase `What do you study on Monday?`. They had each made a schedule after thinking about what they want to be in the future. We mixed up the classes to allow the students to practice with people other than their classmates. The students asked each other what they had chosen and why.
IMG_9976.jpg "What do you study on Tuesday?"

IMG_9966.jpg"I study Japanese and math."

IMG_9971.jpg Good eye contact! It's very difficult to avoid looking at your paper when talking. Well done!

IMG_9977.jpg Everyone was very interested to see what students in other classes had picked. It was fun!

6th grade students have been studying different things depending on their class as one of the classes is further behind than the others due to the open school event.
Class 6-1 have just finished studying the topic`He is famous`. They have been studying adjectives and using the words `He` or `She` to describe their friends.
DSC02212.jpg First they reviewed all the adjectives. The teachers acted out some of the words. It was very funny!

Then, the students got into groups and gave each other quizzes like they had done in class.
IMG_0867.jpg "He is funny. He is handsome. He is outgoing. Who is he?"

Classes 6-2 and 6-3 have recently started studying Hi, friends!2 Lesson 6 `What time do you get up?`. We always like to start with the chant to refresh everyones' memories.

The 15 minutes that we have for Tomilish Time is the perfect amount of time to do some of the listening activities in the textbook.

The students try their best.

"You can do it! Don't give up!"

Good job everyone!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

5th Grade : What do you study on Monday?

5th Grade students just finished their last topic from the Hi, friends! textbook. They have been studying Hi, friends! 1 Lesson 8 `I study Japanese`.

We started class with a greeting game. This time we practiced using the phrase that we have been learning during Tomilish Time "What's your favorite ~?". In this class everyone asked each other about their favorite food.
DSC_3066.jpg "Hello!"

"What's your favorite food?"
DSC_3048.jpg "It's curry and rice."

"It's udon!"
DSC_3067.jpg "Delicious!"

Next, the students created their own `dream` schedules. Rather than just put subjects that they like the students had to think about what they wanted to be in the future and what they would need to study in order to achieve that goal. They had to write their reasons why they had chosen the subjects that they picked.
DSC_3060.jpg "I want to be a basketball player. I put P.E. in order to improve my skills. I need Home Economics to learn about nutrition. I picked English because I want to talk to foreign basketball players. I also need to study math to use for scores."

After making their schedules the students walked around the room and asked their friends about their schedules.
DSC_3064.jpg "What do you study on Monday?"
"I study home economics and math."

DSC_3053.jpg "Nice dream!"

DSC_3058.jpg "You can do it!"

Good job everyone! It was very interesting to hear about your dreams!
5th Grade | - | -