6th Grade : Go straight 2 blocks.

6th grade students had their last class on Hi,friends!2 Lesson 4 `Turn right`. In their previous class we had practiced being taxi drivers and customers. In this class we did the same activity while increasing the difficulty.

First, we started with our usual greeting game. It's a good time to practice the English we have already studied by asking questions such as "Do you like soccer?" or "What did you do on Sunday?".
DSC_1645.jpg Nice smile!

DSC_1638.jpg Good gestures!

After the greeting game, it was time for the chant.
DSC_1652.jpg Everyone is doing the `Go straight!` gesture. Good job!

Next, the teachers did a demonstration. The students had to watch and think about what was different from the previous class.
DSC_1659.jpg "Taxi!"

"Hospital, please."
"Where is the hospital?"
DSC_1662.jpg "Go straight 2 blocks."

This time instead of saying "Go straight!" many times we will only have to say it once by saying the number of city blocks to move forward. It's a very useful phrase!

After the demonstration it was time for the students to do the activity themselves.
DSC_1673.jpg "Where is the police station?"

DSC_1500.jpg "Go straight 3 blocks."

Finally we played the fortune path game. One person picked a place to start at the bottom of the paper. They follow the path up with everyone giving directions.
"Go straight. Turn right. Go upstairs."
DSC_1569.jpg The students created the fortunes themselves.

DSC_1560.jpg "Go straight! Turn left!"

DSC_1681.jpg Everyone did there best.

Well done 6th grade students!
6th Grade | - | -

6th Grade : Taxi Drivers

During their first two classes on Hi, friends!2 Lesson 4 `Turn Right.` the students had been practicing in the classroom. However, for the 3rd class we decided to use one of the big multi-purpose rooms to make a city for the students to use.

After our usual greeting game and chants, we used a small Anejiro doll to review giving directions.
DSC_1491.jpg "Turn left!"

Our main activity of the day was being taxi drivers and customers.
"Our taxi company is in trouble. We have no money. You need to have many customers! But, there are no signs on the buildings so the customers will have to give you directions."
"Where do you want to go?"
DSC_1575.jpg "I want to go to the post office."
"I'm sorry. I don't know."
"Okay. Go straight!"

DSC_1550.jpg The two girls in the back have good gestures!
"Here is the supermarket!"
"Thank you!"

This taxi has two customers! Wow!

Everyone had to listen carefully!
DSC_1577.jpgNice smiles!

After some time the customers and taxi drivers changed roles.
DSC_1546.jpg Good job everyone!

It was a very fun activity!
6th Grade | - | -

6th Grade : Directions Information Gap

6th grade students had their second class on Hi,friends!2 Lesson 4 `Turn Right`. After the usual greeting game we asked the students about using the phrase "Turn right".
"Apart from asking for directions, when else would you use this phrase?"
"I know! I can show you!"
DSC_1405.jpg When you are carrying someone, they can tell you where to go. Nice idea!

After doing the chant for that lesson it was time for the main activity.
The main activity for the class was an information gap. After reviewing building names and phrases for giving directions the students got into pairs.
info gap.jpg The student with sheet A had to ask the student with sheet B for directions to many different buildings.

"Where is the restaurant?"
DSC_1407.jpg "Go straight and turn left. Here is the restaurant."

The students used bottle caps with eyes drawn on them to help them follow the directions.
edited.jpg "I see!"

The students tried to speak clearly and carefully.
DSC_1476.jpg If they didn't hear properly they repeated what they thought the person said, "Turn left?", or asked "One more time, please!".

The person giving directions tried to make eye contact when they were talking.
DSC_1406.jpg Good job!

Nice work everyone!
6th Grade | - | -

6th Grade : Turn right.

6th grade students have begun to study Hi,friends!2 Lesson 4 `Turn right`.

During our greeting game we used the `This is me.` books the students made during the last unit. First the teachers gave a demonstration.
DSC_1311.jpg "My nickname is Take-pon. I'm from Yamagata. I like soccer. I can't cook."

The students worked hard to make eye contact during this activity.
DSC_1313.jpg When you are holding a piece of paper it is easy to look at that while you are talking. The students did their best to only glance at the paper to remind themselves what to talk about.

DSC_1317.jpg Great eye contact!

The teachers picked two students to give a good demonstration.
DSC_1321.jpg They gave great reactions when the other person was talking. "Nice!" "Me, too!" "That's great!"
Reactions are important for making conversations.

Next, we had `Teacher Talk`. Do you know this man with curly hair and a hat?
DSC_1326.jpg Actually it's Mr. Takeyuki pretending to be someone else! Maybe he was embarrassed but he tried very hard for the students.
"Where is the post office?"

Ms. Keiko gave him directions.
DSC_1329.jpgHe used Anejiro on the map to check the directions.

DSC_1331.jpg "Here is the post office."

We practiced the English names for buildings and tried to notice what was different about the English and Japanese.
DSC_1333.jpg "Fire station, police station and station all have the word `station`! It's interesting!"

After doing the chants we also played a game. The students closed their eyes and the teachers gave directions. "Turn right! Go straight!"
When they opened their eyes they should all be facing in the same direction!
DSC_1309.jpg Some of the students gave directions, too.

Good job everyone! The students have been using what they studied, already. When Ms. Emily went to eat lunch with class 6-1 they used English to direct her to the table where she could eat.
"Go straight. Turn left. Go straight. Stop!"
Well done!
6th Grade | - | -

6th Grade : Where is the station?

The 6th grade students have been studying how to ask and give directions. Today we had our last class for this topic. Ms. Goto prepared some great props and turned one of the classrooms into a town!


First we did a greeting game and practiced some English we learned last year. We asked everyone "What color do you like?". It was good practice to remember 5th grade English too.


After that we took turns to be taxi drivers and customers. The taxi drivers didn't know the way, so the customers had to give them directions.


We got to use a lot of English and practice both giving and asking for directions. It was a very fun class!


Hopefully we can use this English in the future!
6th Grade | - | -