Tomilish Time : Last before Summer Vacation!

During the last Tomilish Time before summer vacation the different grades mixed together. 5th grade students helped the 1st grade students to practice simple greetings and asking each others names.
screenshot.jpg "What's your name?"
"My name is..."

The other grades gave each other quizzes about their favorite foods while using adjectives such as `spicy` as hints. The students gave each other quizzes in pairs.
DSCN9293.jpgGood smile!

DSCN9286.jpgNice eye contact!

edited1.jpgGreat gestures!

At the end of Tomilish Time the teacher asked a pair to give a good demonstration.
DSCN9290.jpg Wonderful smile! Good job!

Let's enjoy Tomilish Time after summer vacation, too!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Tomilish Time : Mixed Grade Adjective Quizzes

During Tomilish Time the different grades mixed together. 5th grade students helped the 1st grade students to practice simple greetings. The other grades gave each other quizzes about their favorite foods while using adjectives such as `spicy` as hints.

All mixed grade groups started with the teachers giving a demonstration.
IMG_1812.jpg We like to show students what we want them to do rather than just tell them. It helps to reduce the amount of Japanese we have to use.

Next, it was time for everyone else to try!
edited1.jpg "Hello!"

IMG_1806.jpg The older students tried their best to lead the younger students.

edited3.jpg Great eye contact!

DSCN9287.jpg Good listening!

edited2.jpg Nice gestures!

At the end the teachers asked some good students to give a demonstration.
IMG_4457.jpg Everyone thought about the good points of the demonstration. Let's try to copy those good points next time!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Tomilish Time : Practice giving hints

In Tomilish Time we have been studying different adjectives that we can use to describe food. This week the students got together in their grade levels to practice giving quizzes to each other using those adjectives. 1st grade students practiced greetings instead of the quizzes.

1st grade students did their best to make eye contact and smile while greeting each other.
edited2.jpg "Hello!"

They are also learning how to ask and answer the question "How are you?". They practiced that during Tomilish Time, too.
DSCN9253.jpg "Hello! How are you?"
"I'm happy!"

The other grade levels worked hard to make quizzes using adjectives as hints. Each of the different grade levels followed the same structure.
First, the teachers gave a demonstration of what the students were expected to do.
edited1.jpg "What's your favorite kyushoku?"
"Guess what?"
"Hint, please!"
"Brown, white, soft and spicy!"
"Mapo dofu?"
"Yes, that's right!"

First the students practiced giving quizzes in pairs.
IMG_1646.jpgThe teachers tried to make sure students from different classes were sitting next to each other.

After that everyone was free to walk around the room and give each other quizzes.
edited5.jpg "What's your favorite kyushoku?"
"Guess what?"

IMG_1638.jpg"Hint, please!"
"It's long."

The teachers stopped the activity half-way through and asked some good students to give a demonstration. Everyone watched the demonstration to find its good points.
DSCN9269.jpg Great gestures and reactions!

Then, everyone restarted the activity while keeping the good points of the demonstration in mind.
edited6.jpg Great eye contact!

edited4.jpg Good gestures!

edited3.jpg Nice smiles!

Good job! We'll mix the different grades in the next Tomilish Time. Everyone is looking forward to it!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Tomilish Time : Let's describe Sendai specialities!

Last week in Tomilish Time we had a special guest. Ms. Satsuki Okura from Tottori Prefecture visited our school for a week to watch our English classes. We used Tomilish Time in order to tell her more about Sendai and learn more about Tottori, too.

We started with our usual greeting questions about the day, date and weather.
IMG_2406.jpg "How is the weather today?"
"It's sunny!"

Then we all chanted the starting words together.
"Let's enjoy..."
IMG_2401.jpg "...Tomilish Time!"

Ms. Satsuki told us that she has never visited Sendai before.
IMG_4370.jpg "It's my first time!"

Ms. Keiko and Ms. Emily introduced some of the famous foods from Sendai.
IMG_4372.jpg "We have gyutan, sasakama and oysters."

Next, Ms. Satsuki gave a quiz about famous foods from Tottori.
"It's spicy. It's crispy. Carrots and potatoes."
IMG_4377.jpg "It's Tottori curry!"

We gave the students 1 minute to talk in groups about what the teachers had talked about.
IMG_2404.jpg "I heard the words `fresh` and `fruit`"
"I hear the word `pears`. I think Ms. Satsuki talked about pears in Tottori."

Ms. Satsuki told us that she didn't know what souvenirs to buy so the other teachers introduced some ideas using adjectives.
IMG_4378.jpg "How about Haginotsuki?"
"What's that?"
"It's round. It's sweet. It's soft."
"Oh, nice!"

Next, we practiced the adjectives that the teachers had used.
IMG_4374.jpg "It's fresh!"

The students practiced the pronunciations in their classrooms with gestures.
edited1.jpg "It's crispy."

IMG_2413.jpg "It's sweet."

After, practicing it was time to say goodbye.
IMG_4379.jpg "Have a nice day!"

Thank you Ms. Satsuki for taking part in Tomilish Time!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Tomilish Time : More Food Adjectives!

This week in Tomilish Time we have continued studying adjectives. The 6th grade students also helped us to interview some of the teachers and student teachers.

First, after greetings, we reviewed what we studied last week. Ms. Keiko and Ms. Emily talked about what they ate at the weekend.
IMG_1285.jpg Ms. Emily ate sour reimen again. She really likes reimen.

Ms. Keiko ate spicy tteok-bokki.
IMG_1286.jpg She likes spicy Korean food.

We gave everyone one minute in their classrooms to think and talk about what the teachers said.
IMG_2157.jpg "Did you catch any English words?"

Next, some of the 6th grade students helped us to interview the teachers.
First was one of our students teachers, Ms. Hiroko.
"What's your favorite food?"
"Guess what?"
"Hint, please!"
"Soft and sweet."
IMG_2160.jpg "Do you like pancakes?"
"Yes, I do! I like pancakes!"

Next, our other student teacher, Ms. Taeko was interviewed by one of the 6th graders.
"What's your favorite food?"
"Guess what?"
"Hint, please!"
"Long and spicy. I like Taiwan."
screenshot1.jpg "Do you like Taiwan yakisoba?"
"Yes, I do!"

Mr. Toda, who is new to our school this year, was also interviewed.
"What's your favorite food?"
"Guess what?"
"Hint, please!"
"Yellow, sour, round fruit."
IMG_1288.jpg "Do you like grapefruits?"
"Yes, I do !"

After listening to the interview, we practiced the adjectives that we had heard for the first time.
IMG_1292.jpg "Long! Long!"

Everyone practiced, too.
IMG_2173.jpg "Long!"

Thank you everyone for helping with the interviews.
screenshot2.jpg "See you! Have a nice day!"
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Tomilish Time : Let's learn adjectives!

This week we started to study a new topic in Tomilish Time. This past year we have been learning how to give a quiz by studying phrases such as "What's this?" and "Guess what?". In order for the students to give hints to their friends we decided to study adjectives.

"Let's enjoy Tomilish Time!"
IMG_1800.jpg "Yeay!"

We asked our normal questions as part of our greetings.
IMG_1803.jpg "What day is it today?"
"It's Wednesday!"

Next, everyone listened to Ms. Keiko and Ms. Emily talking about what they had done at the weekend. Everyone had to look at the pictures and listen to the English in order to try and work out what they were saying.
IMG_1138.jpg "I went to Morioka."
"Really? Me, too!"

IMG_1141.jpg "I danced suzume odori in Kizuna Festival."

"How about you?"
IMG_1142.jpg "I played tennis with my friends."

"Morioka has a lot of delicious food. What did you eat?"
"Guess what?"
"Hint, please."
"Cucumber, watermelon, kimchi, meat"
"More hints, please."
IMG_1143.jpg "Chewy, spicy and sour!"

IMG_1802.jpg The students all listened carefully and tried to guess.

IMG_1147.jpg "I ate reimen. It was delicious."

Ms. Keiko talked about what she had eaten. The hints were: `red beans, butter, soft and famous`. She ate fukudapan.

Next, everyone practiced the words they had heard.
IMG_1150.jpg "Repeat after me. Spicy!"

IMG_1806.jpg "Spicy!"

After that, one of the 6th grade students helped to interview Mr. Endo.
"What's your favorite kyushoku?"
"Guess what?"
"Hint, please!"
"Spicy, brown, carrots, potatoes and meat."
IMG_1816.jpg "Curry and rice?"
"Yes! I like curry and rice!"

edited.jpg Everyone enjoyed listening to their interview and guessing Mr. Endo's favorite kyushoku.

IMG_1164.jpg "Have a nice day! See you!"

Thank you to 6th grade for helping with the interview!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Tomilish Time : How are you?

In Tomilish Time we had our last mixed grades session for this unit of Tomilish Time. From next week we will start focusing on some new English so we will change back to TV broadcasts. This week, 6th grade students were away on their school trip so 1st grade students mixed together within their grade. Also, 5th and 2nd grade, and 3rd and 4th grade students mixed together.

Tomilish Time started with everyone greeting each other.
DSCN9072.jpg "Good morning! How are you?"

The teachers or some students gave a demonstration of the greeting activity.
DSCN9071.jpg "Hello!"

After watching the greeting it was time for everyone to greet each other.
IMG_4190.jpg "Hello!"

IMG_4200.jpg "How are you?"

edited2.jpg "I'm good, thank you!"

edited1.jpg "Do you like blue?"

DSCN9092.jpg"Yes, I do!"

edited5.jpg Nice smiles!

IMG_4198.jpgGood eye contact!

DSCN9084.jpg Even the teachers got involved in greeting everyone.

edited3.jpg"See you!"

After the activity the teachers asked some of the students who they talked with, what they said and for a good point about their partner.
DSCN9099.jpg "He has a clear voice!"

Good job everyone!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Tomilish Time : Mixed Grades Again!

In this week's Tomilish Time the 6th graders went to the 1st graders classrooms to help them with greetings and the `Hello Song`.

First, the 6th graders did a demonstration.
IMG_0916.jpg "How are you?"
"I'm good!"

Next, everyone did the greeting game together.
edited2.jpg "Hello!"

edited.jpg Nice smiles!

After that the 6th graders demonstrated the `Hello Song`.
DSC_4444.jpg Everyone watched carefully.

Then they sang and did the gestures together.
DSC_4445.jpg Good job 1st and 6th grade students!

The other graders are used to Tomilish Time so they did everything a little different. This time 5th and 2nd students mixed, and 3rd and 4th students mixed together.
We started with demonstrations. There are three different kinds of demonstrations:
IMG_0906.jpg Teacher - Teacher demonstration

IMG_0902.jpg Student - Teacher demonstration

IMG_0904.jpg Student - Student demonstration
Doing many different kinds of demonstration allows everyone to understand what to do without the teachers giving directions in Japanese. It also gives all the students confidence.

IMG_0910.jpg"How are you?"

The students used the English they have studied so far to ask many questions.
DSC_4453.jpg "What's your favorite kyushoku?"

"Do you like pink?"
DSC_4452.jpg "No, I don't."

"How are you?"
DSC_4438.jpg "I'm happy!"

Good job everyone! You did your best!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Tomilish Time: Let's cheer at Sports Day!

In the Tomilish Time before Sports Day we had a TV broadcast so that we could practice how to cheer in English. Some of the 6th grade students also came to help interview some of the new teachers.

As always we started with our greetings.
"Look at the sky. How is the weather today?"
screenshot6.jpg "It's cloudy!"

"What day is it today?"
"It's Wednesday."
"What is the date today?"
screenshot7.jpg "It's May 23rd."
"I see!"

Next, Ms. Emily talked about dancing in Aoba Festival.
screenshot5.jpg She will dance in Kizuna Festival at the start of June. Ms. Keiko used some English phrases to cheer for Ms. Emily.

Everyone practiced saying the phrases together.
screenshot9.jpg "You can do it!" "Do your best!" "Don't give up!"

We played the `Hello Song` and asked the students who will represent their class in the relay race to come to the front of the class so everyone could cheer for them.
screenshot3.jpg "Hello! Hello! Hello, how are you?"
Ms. Emily and Ms. Keiko like dancing to the `Hello Song`.

After that, everyone cheered together for the relay participants
screenshot4.jpg "You can do it!"

Next, some of the 6th grade students helped to interview some of the new teachers. First, they interviewed Ms. Hiratsuka the school dietician.
screenshot8.jpg "What's your favorite kyushoku?"
"I like touji kabocha."
"I can get energy."

Next, it was the turn of the school nurse, Ms. Koseki.
screenshot2.jpg "What's your favorite fruit?"
"I like strawberries."
"They are sour."

We learned a lot about the new teachers. It was interesting!
screenshot1.jpg Thanks to the 6th grade students for being great interviewers! Good job!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

Tomilish Time : First mixed grades activity of the year!

In Tomilish Time the students mixed with students from other grades to practice greetings and ask each other "What's your name?". 1st and 6th grade, and 3rd and 4th grade students mixed together. 5th grade students were on a school trip so 2nd grade students mixed together in their grade.

First the teachers gave a demonstration of what to do.
IMG_3662.jpg "Let's watch!"

Next, some of the students volunteered to give a demonstration.
IMG_3658.jpg "What's your name?"
Nice gestures!

Then, it was time for everyone else to try. The older students did their best to lead the younger students. 6th grade students tried especially hard to help the 1st grade students.
IMG_3645.jpg Nice smile!

The greeting game was review for all the other grades.
IMG_3655.jpgGood eye contact!

Everyone did their best and enjoyed talking with students from other grades.
IMG_3647.jpg Nice gestures!
Good job everyone!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -