6th Grade : Open School Event

During our Open School Event (³Ø¹»¸ø³«¡Ëclass 6-3 studied Hi, friends!2 Lesson 8. This was their 4th of five lessons on this topic. The class was taught by two teachers: Mr. Takeyuki (homeroom teacher) and Ms. Goto (English teacher).

The class started with a short review, including the chant from Hi, friends!2.
The class was in the gym hall so everyone had to use bigger voices than usual.

Next, the teachers demonstrated the interview activity.
Facial expressions are important!
They asked each other 3 questions: "What do you like?", "What can you do?" and "What do you want to be?". After asking the first two questions, they tried to think about the person's dream before asking the last question.

After watching the demonstration it was time to start the activity.

Since students are talking about their own dreams, they are using a lot of new English. Each studenthas a hint card incase other students don't understand.

Everyone tried hard to talk to everyone else.

Halfway through the activity the teachers picked some students to give a good demonstration.
Great eye contact!
Everyone watched and realised that it's important to look at your pair rather than at the hint cards.
Then, we restarted the activity while being careful to make eye contact.

Good gestures!

Great smiles!

Everyone did a great job! In the next class they will do a similar activity with students from other classes. Everyone is looking forward to it!
6th Grade | - | -

4th Grade : Open School Event

During our Open School Event (³Ø¹»¸ø³«¡Ëclass 4-3 studied their 9th English class of the year (out of 10). The class was taught by two teachers: Ms. Tsuruta (homeroom teacher) and Ms. Emily (ALT).

We started the class with a review.
Good gestures!
First we did two different chants. We used the karaoke version of the Hi, friends!1 `Do you like apples?` chant to practice lots of different vocabulary. We also created an original `What do you like?` chant using the karoke version of the Hi, friends!1 `What do you want?` chant.

Next, we did the Echo Game. Everyone got a lot of practice asking and answering "Do you like~?" and "What do you like?" questions.

After refreshing our memories we started the main activity.
First, the two teachers demonstrated the activity. We try to demonstrate instead of explaining the rules. This reduces the Japanese needed in class.

In this activity you have to guess what sport, fruit, color or animal your friends like. You can ask "Do you like~?" questions twice. If you still can't get the answer after two questions you should ask "What do you like?". You can learn many things about your friends using this activity

Next, we asked for a volunteer. We did a second demonstration so everyone could double check that they understood. Thank you for volunteering to help!

Then, it was time to start!

What do you like?

Learning about our friends is fun!

Halfway through the activity the teachers picked some students to show a demonstration of the activity. Everyone had to watch and think about its good points.
Great smiles!
They both liked the same animal. Everyone was so surprised!

After the demonstration everyone started again while being careful about the things we praised in the demo.
Nice eye contact!

Beautiful smile!

Everyone tried really hard and did a great job. Well done!
4th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Open School Event

During our Open School Event (³Ø¹»¸ø³«¡Ëclass 5-3 studied Hi, friends!1 Lesson 9 for the 4th and final time. The class was taught by three teachers: Mr. Nakamura (homeroom teacher), Ms. Goto (English teacher), and Ms. Emily (ALT).

The class started with the chant from Lesson 9 to refresh our memories.
Everyone tried hard to do gestures along with saying the chant.

Then, we had PR time. Each group introduced their restaurant and told us about their number 1 dish.
The Scotland team used PPAP and Snow White references to help introduce their restaurant.
I have vegetables, I have hot soup.....ugh. Scotch broth!
Mirror, mirror, where is the most delicious restaurant of them all?

It's delicious! Everyone was very enthusiastic and used many different ways to appeal to the audience. PR time was very successful!

Next, it was time to be waiters and customers!
What would you like?

What's this?
If the students didn't know a dish, they could ask the waiters.

This is meat and vegetables. It's spicy.
The waiters had researched a lot about their restaurants so they could easily explain about the dishes.

Half-way through the activity the teachers picked some students to do two demonstrations.
Everyone watched and thought about the good points.

Great eye contact! It's important to be a good customer, too!

Now, let's change roles and try again!
This is delicious. It's our restaurant's number 1 dish!

Great smile! Some teachers who were watching also become customers! Thank you for taking part!

It was a really fun class. Here's a closer look at some of the materials.
The students designed their own menus.

They also wrote information about the food on the back of each picture.

The students ordered food and received it on a `tray` like this.

Everyone had a great time researching, presenting and using English. It was a great class!
5th Grade | - | -

2nd Grade : Open School Event

During our Open School Event (³Ø¹»¸ø³«¡Ëclass 2-3 had their 5th and last English class for the year. Ms Nihei, their homeroom teacher, taught the class by herself.
She also had some help. Can you see who is sitting in the chair? It's Anejiro! He is a great help to demonstrate conversations.

All the students were ready ten minutes before the start time. All the students were nervous and there were many people waiting to watch the class. In order to relax, the students sang the Hello song.
They also did the silent greeting game. Everyone smiled a lot and felt better.

They could start the class happy and relaxed! All the students wore chef hats. Each hat had a green or yellow line. This meant it was easy to give instructions, for example "Green line hats, stand up!".

The class started with a review of what they had previously studied. First they reviewed food names.
What's this? It's bacon!

Next they reviewed asking and answering "Do you like~?" questions.
Do you like tomatoes? Yes, I do!

After everyone had refreshed their memories, it was time for the main event: making pizzas for our friends!
Each student chose a colored plate and shared a plate of ingredients between two students.

Next they asked their friends many questions to find out what kind of pizza they should make.
Do you like green peppers?

No, I don't!

Wow, it looks delicious!

At the end of the class the students talked about their pizzas.
I want to eat it!

Great job everyone!
2nd Grade | - | -

Tomilish Time : Open School Event

Last week we had our Open School Event¡Ê³Ø¹»¸ø³«¡Ëand one of the first activities was Tomilish Time. Many teachers from around Japan came to watch so everyone was very nervous. We tried to act like we always do and smile a lot.

The studentswe matched with a class from a different year. First, the two teachers gave a demonstration.
What's your name? My name is ...
How are you? I'm ...
Nice to meet you.

All the students tried to use this English.

Let's greet!

Nice gestures!

I'm sleepy!

These students had to greet 3 boys and 3 girls. All the girls had finished but luckily Ms. Emily is a girl, too!

Great smiles!

Everyone did their best! Well done!
Tomilish Time Ä«³èÆ° | - | -

4th Grade : Echo Game

Do you know the `Echo Game`? It's a tool to practice new phrases. Classes 4-3 and 4-2 have been using it to practice questions and answers.

First we review the vocabulary using chants. We like making original chants by using the karaoke version of the Hi, friends! chants.

The students don't know what they will say before the teacher points to it. It's a surprise!

Next, we split the class into two groups.

This is Team A. Repeat after me.

This is Team B. Repeat after Ms. Emily.

Let's start!
Ms. Tsuruta: "What do you like?"
Team A : "What do you like?"
Ms. Emily: "I like blue!"
Team B: "I like blue!"

After the students can do this well Team A and Team B switch. We repeat this until the students are confident enough to speak by themselves.

Then the teams move to look at each other.

It helps to make eye contact when you are asking a question. Are you ready? Let's start!

The teachers don't say anything, they just make gestures and show the flashcards!

Team A: "What do you like?"
Team B: "I like blue!"

Nice gestures!

Everyone can becoming confident using this activity!
4th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Let's go to a restaurant!

Next week the 5th grade students will role play as waiters at restaurants from various countries. They have researched about food from all around the world. It will be very interesting! In order to prepare for that activity the students role played as waiters in a Japanese restaurant. We used the Hi Friends 1 textbook as a menu and the small cards as food.

First, the students were split into waiters and customers.
We switched roles throughout the class so everyone had a chance to play both parts a few times.

"What would you like?"
"I'd like a hamburger, please."

"Here you are!"
"It's delicious!"

"Thank you. Goodbye!"

Before switching roles, the teachers picked some students to show a good demonstration.
The waiters are working together! That's great!

The customer has nice reactions. Wow!

After all students had a chance to be both waiters and customers we changed the activity a little. The students have been studying about healthy food in home economics class (²ÈÄí²Ê). For their second time as customers they had to choose healthy dishes.

"Are you okay?" The waiter is checking if the customer is ready to order. That's great!

"Thank you!" Nice eye contact!

Finally, we checked some of the dishes the students ordered.
You chose a balanced menu. It's very healthy! Well done!

We are looking forward to ordering some interesting foreign food next week.
5th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Collect 5 Game

5th grade students have been practicing the phrase `What would you like?`.
We played the `Collect 5` game using the small food cards from the `Hi Friends 1` textbook.

First the teachers gave a demonstration. Each person holds 5 cards. From the 5 cards, they choose 1 card that they want to collect. They play rock, paper, scissors to decide the roles. The winner is the customer and the loser is the waiter. The loser asks `What would you like?` and the winner answers with the card that they want to collect.
Ms. Goto and Ms. Emily showed us what to do if the waiter has the card that the customer wants. You have to give the customer the card.
(The customer will give the waiter a card they don't need so everyone always has 5 cards.)

Next, Mr. Kimura and Ms. Emily showed us what to do if the waiter doesn't have the card. You have to say "Sorry! Sold out!".

Once you collect 5 cards that are the same, you win!

Once the students started the activity they realised you have to speak to many people in order to collect 5 cards!
Here you are!

Hmmm...oh no! Sold out!

Half-way through the activity the teachers pick some students to give a demonstration. The students had to think about its good points.
They had great gestures!

After watching the demonstration the students tried again.

Good eye contact!

Nice smile!

Everyone really enjoyed the activity and they got to use a lot of English.
5th Grade | - | -

2nd Grade: Do you like ~? Interview

2nd grade students have been working hard in English class. After learning how to ask and answer `Do you like~?` questions, this week they have been interviewing each other.

First Ms. Emily and Ms. Nahoko demonstrated how to interview each other.
Do you like green peppers?
Everyone asks 3 questions. They carried a sheet with vegetable pictures incase they forgot what vegetables they had studied.

No, I don't!
Let's try to use gestures, too!

Let's start!
The students walked around the room while music played. When the music stopped they found a partner near them.

Do you like ~? Nice gesture!

Good eye contact!

After interviewing one person we stopped to watch some good demonstrations.

The students watched the demonstration carefully.

After they watched they had to think about what was good.
They had nice smiles! They used clear voices!

Now, let's try again while thinking about the good demonstration.
Let's find a new partner!

Great smile!

Everyone did a great job interviewing their friends! Well done!
2nd Grade | - | -

Tomilish Time: Let's talk with other classes!

Next week in Tomilish Time each class will join up with a class from another grade. In order to prepare for this, the students practiced within their grade this week.

First the teachers gave a demonstration.
Let's watch!

Different grades did different activites but they all practiced greetings. The lower grade practiced simple greetings. 5th and 6th grade students can already do English greetings very well so they added extra things such as gestures.

After watching the demonstration the students greeted each other.

Everyone tried hard to speak to many different people! Well done!

After everyone had finished the teachers picked some students to demonstrate to everyone.
The students all did a great job! Well done!

We're all looking forward to using English with other grades next week!
Tomilish Time Ä«³èÆ° | - | -