5th Grade : When is your birthday?

5th grade students have recently finished studying the topic `When is your birthday?`. It is actually from Hi,friends!2 Lesson 2 but this year 5th grade students sometimes have two English classes a week so we have been doing some extra topics, too.

Our first few classes on the topic we focused on learning the names of the months in English and also how to say dates. In our final classes on the topic we did two main activities: a listening activity and a conversation activity.

In the listening activity the students had to listen to the teachers tell them their birthdays. They had to draw a line between the teacher's name and their birthday.
DSC_1636.jpg Everyone had to listen very carefully! Everyone was very interested to learn when all the teachers' birthdays were.

The other main activity was a conversation activity. Everyone had to ask their friends when their birthdays were. First the teachers gave a demonstration.
DSC_1624.jpg "Hello! When is your birthday?"

Then it was time for the students to ask, too. Some times we asked the students to take notes on their friends birthdays. Other times we asked them to find people with the same birthday month as themselves.
DSC_1628.jpg Nice smile!

DSC_1626.jpg Good eye contact!

DSC_1614.jpg Great gestures!

It was a difficult topic for the 5th grade students but everyone tried very hard. Well done!
5th Grade | - | -

6th Grade : When is your birthday?

6th grade students recently had their last class on Hi, friends!2 Lesson 2 "When is your birthday?".
The class started with a greeting game. We like using greeting games to review some English that we studied in the past. This time we reviewed "What would you like?".
DSC_9632.jpg Look! Here is the menu! It all looks delicious!

First, the teachers demonstrated the activity.
DSC_9672.jpg "This is Ms. Emiko's restaurant. Ms. Emily, what would you like?"
"I'm hot. I'd like ice cream!"

Next Ms. Emily and one of the students demonstrated. We think that having demonstrations with the students helps to check if the students understand or not.
DSC_9636.jpg "I'd like a parfait! Delicious!"

Then the students did the activity together.
DSC_9633.jpg Great eye contact!

DSC_9634.jpg Nice smiles!

After warming-up with the greeting game, it was time to start the main lesson. We reviewed the months chant. Let's make gestures too! Do you know what month this is?
DSC_9675.jpg They are making the gesture for 6. It's June!

Next, the teachers demonstrated the main activity. Everyone recieved a paper with someone's birthday written on it. They had to search for that person.
DSC_9663.jpg "When is your birthday?"
"My birthday is May 2nd."
"I see!"

Let's start!
DSC_9641.jpg Nice gestures!

DSC_9662.jpg "See you!". Great smiles!

Once the students had found whose birthday it was, the students had to write a message to that person. They wrote a nice message in Japanese but they also wrote a few words in English.
The teachers have a new tool for writing lines on the board.
DSC_9666.jpg Look! We can draw 4 lines at once! We can use these lines to show how to write the alphabet!

The students asked Ms. Emily how to write what they wanted to say in English.
DSC_9667.jpg Everyone is very interested in learning how to write in English so we try and include some small activities like this.

Lastly, the students gave their letters to the person whose birthday was written on the paper.
DSC_9670.jpg Everyone was very happy to receive the nice messages.

Well done everyone!
6th Grade | - | -