6th Grade : Thank you Ms. Saori!

For the past few weeks class 6-1 have had a student teacher, Ms. Saori, studying together with them. Ms. Saori is very good at English so she has been teaching English classes. She taught the whole unit for Hi,friends!2 Lesson 8 `What do you want to be?`.
DSC_2033.jpg When she taught the names for different jobs she focused a lot on the correct pronunciation. The correct tongue position for the `er` sound at the end of words like `baker` was difficult for the students but they tried hard.

After the teachers gave a demonstration using the phrase `What do you want to be?`, Ms. Saori asked some students to give a demonstration, too.
DSC_2034.jpg Good job!

During this class we played the chain game. Students took turns in a group to ask and answer "What do you want to be?".
DSC_2037.jpg Everyone worked well together.

DSC_2036.jpg Good eye contact!

edited2.jpg Nice gestures!

The chain game is a good activity to build confidence in groups before doing interview activities. It was a fun class!

Thank you Ms. Saori!
edited.jpg Good luck in the future!
6th Grade | - | -

6th Grade : My Dream Job

This week 6th grade students have been making presentations about their dream job. It is their 5th and last class on Hi, friends!2 Lesson 9. The previous class (4 of 5) was shown during our open school event (³Ø¹»¸ø³«). During that class the students interviewed their classmates about their dream job. In this week's class, we mixed students from different classes so they can speak to new people.

First, classes 6-2 and 6-3 split in half and went to two classrooms. There were two teams of teachers.
Class 6-2 homeroom teacher Ms. Kana and our English teacher Ms. Keiko took one class.

Class 6-3 homeroom teacher Mr. Takeyuki and our ALT, Ms. Emily took the other class.

First, the teachers modelled the sentences we would use in class by talking about what animal they want to be.
I want to be a panda. Why? Because it's cute!
I want to be a bird. Why? Because it can fly.
In this way, they introduced the words `why` and `because` which were new to the students.

Then, the teachers demonstrated using the two new words in a conversation about their dream job.
"What do you want to be?" "I want to be a teacher."
"Why?" "Because I like children and I can help people."

Next, after practicing the sentences as a class, the students got into pairs to practice again.
After speaking in pairs once, they changed pairs a few times to practice again and speak to new people.

After refreshing everyone's memories, the main activity was presentations in groups. First the teachers used one group of students to show everyone a demonstration.

Let's ask! What do you want to be? Why?

Next the students got into groups and presented their dream job and their reasons for chosing it.
The students made sure there were students from both 6-3 and 6-2 in each group.
It was very interesting to hear about all the different dream jobs! Well done everyone!
6th Grade | - | -

6th Grade : Open School Event

During our Open School Event (³Ø¹»¸ø³«¡Ëclass 6-3 studied Hi, friends!2 Lesson 8. This was their 4th of five lessons on this topic. The class was taught by two teachers: Mr. Takeyuki (homeroom teacher) and Ms. Goto (English teacher).

The class started with a short review, including the chant from Hi, friends!2.
The class was in the gym hall so everyone had to use bigger voices than usual.

Next, the teachers demonstrated the interview activity.
Facial expressions are important!
They asked each other 3 questions: "What do you like?", "What can you do?" and "What do you want to be?". After asking the first two questions, they tried to think about the person's dream before asking the last question.

After watching the demonstration it was time to start the activity.

Since students are talking about their own dreams, they are using a lot of new English. Each studenthas a hint card incase other students don't understand.

Everyone tried hard to talk to everyone else.

Halfway through the activity the teachers picked some students to give a good demonstration.
Great eye contact!
Everyone watched and realised that it's important to look at your pair rather than at the hint cards.
Then, we restarted the activity while being careful to make eye contact.

Good gestures!

Great smiles!

Everyone did a great job! In the next class they will do a similar activity with students from other classes. Everyone is looking forward to it!
6th Grade | - | -