Let's speak English at lunch!

This year the students have been trying hard to speak English outside of English class. One of the ways they have been doing this is to eat lunch with our ALT, Ms. Emily.

Ms. Emily eats lunch with a different class every day. The students try to use their English to have simple conversations.

What's this?
It's rice!
Ms. Emily asks easy questions!

The students enjoy using their English.
How are you Ms. Emily?
I'm so happy!
Ms. Emily always has fun too!

Ms. Emily, do you like natto?
Oh no! No, I don't!

Students can use English in a relaxed way. It's great for building confidence! We're looking forward to eating lunch together again next year, too.
School Events | - | -

Tomilish Time : Let's reflect on this year!

Hello everyone!
This morning we had the last Tomilish Time for this school year.
We planned a special broadcast for the last activity.
Two students from each grade gave a demonstration of the English they learnt this year. Two 6th grade students acted as MCs for the broadcast.
1st grade students showed us how they count animals.
How many monkeys?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 10 monkeys!

2nd grade showed us pizza making. Do you like tomatoes? Yes, I do!

3rd grade showed us shopping. What do you want? I want meat and fish.

4th grade showed us quizzes. Do you like dogs? No, I don`t.
What do you like? I like tigers!

Minori class showed us their morning meeting. What day is it today?
How is the weather today?

5th grade showed us a long conversation! What's this?
What color do you like?
What do you study on Monday? etc.

6th grade showed us another long conversation. When is your birthday?
What do you want to be?etc.
Of course, 6th grade students had great smiles and eye contact.

Everyone did so well! It was very interesting for the students to see what other grades had been studying. We are all looking forward to studying English again next year.

Thank you everyone for your demonstrations!
Have a nice day!
Tomilish Time Ä«³èÆ° | - | -

5th Grade : Review Class

5th grade students just finished their last English class for the year.
We did a review class so students could finish the year with confidence in their English abilities.
First, Ms.Emily had a long English conversation with each homeroom teacher.
What's this?

What color do you like?
I like black!

The students listening were very surprised that they understood the whole conversation. This is because the teachers only used English that the students learnt this year.

Next, we reviewed all the chants and songs in Hi,friends!1. Everyone felt very nostalgic! The teachers were so impressed that the students rememembered everything.
Everyone remembered all the actions and dances we created together, too!
Well done!

After refreshing our memories we practiced the phrases and questions from Hi,friends!1 more with Ms.Emily.
It's your birthday! What do you want?
I want money!
Me, too.

The main activity was a boardgame.
It was adapted from a game created by one of the ALTs at Kamisugiyama-dori Elementary School, Ms. Ana. She made it using an activity from the old Eigo Noto Textbook. Thank you Ms. Ana!

First, the teachers and some students demonstrated the game.
Let's count together! 1, 2, 3, 4!

The students had a great time playing the game.

They could practice English in a fun way.
Everyone laughed and smiled a lot!

Some questions had to be asked to the homeroom teacher.
Mr. Kimura, do you like soccer?
Yes, I do!

After finishing the game we did a quick conversation activity. The students moved around the classroom and used the English they had reviewed to make conversations.
Everyone tried to make as long a conversation as possible.
What do you study on Monday, 1st period?

We had a menu on the blackboard so students could ask "What would you like?".

Do you like natto?

Have a nice day!

It was a great way to end the year. Well done everyone!
5th Grade | - | -

Tomilish Time : Whole School Activity!

Hello everyone!
This week we did Tomilish Time in the gym with all students. It was the first time for everyone to speak English together.
First everyone said "Good Morning!" and "How are you?" to Ms. Keiko and Ms.Emily.
Let's enjoy `Special Tomilish Time`!

Everyone got into groups which included students of all grades.
Everyone was a little nervous! You can do it!

Group 1 came to the front of the gym to demonstrate.
They made a circle and made sure they were sitting next to someone from a different grade.

Then they demonstrated singing the Hello Song in pairs.
Let's watch!

Next everyone got into pairs in their groups and sang, too.
Nice gestures!

Next, Ms. Emily and Ms. Keiko demonstrated a simple conversation.
What's your name?
How are you?
Nice to meet you!
Group 1 demonstrated this conversation in a group.
Grades 4, 5 and 6 students are leading the younger students very well!
If you wave your hand, everyone knows you are searching for a partner.

Then, it was time for everyone to talk.
Clear voice!

Nice eye contact!

Good gestures!

Ms. Keiko picked one pair of students who did very well. They demonstrated their conversation to the whole school.
Great job!!

After that, it was time to say goodbye.
See you! Have a nice day!

Everyone did a great job! Especially the students from the upper grades were excellent leaders. Thank you so much!
Tomilish Time Ä«³èÆ° | - | -

6th Grade : Who gets up the latest?

Recently, 6th grade students had their last class for Hi,friends!2 Lesson 6 `What time do you get up?`. We are not teaching the textbook in order so Lesson 6 was our last lesson for the year.

First the students had to guess who would get up the earliest, who would have a bath the latest and so on.
Hmmmm...I wonder who goes to bed the latest... Maybe it's me!

The students chose to interview their friends about their weekends. Everyone thought that would be more interesting.
First they asked their friends "What time do you get up?"
They took a note of all the answers. Their mission was to find the person who got up the earliest and the latest.

The teachers played the chant. When the students heard the chant, they changed to the next question and so on.
"What time do you watch TV?"

"What time do you take a bath?"

After interviewing, everyone got together to compare their results.
"Who gets up the earliest?"
"Ms. Emily gets up at 8am. Did you interview someone who gets up earlier?"

Many people did!

The students had to say who they interviewed and ask them again.
"What time did you get up?"

This is how we researched the answers for the class.
We used the students name magnets to make a display on the blackboard.

It was a very interesting class! Everyone discovered new things about their classmates.
6th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Dream Schedule with a difference!

For their last class on Hi,friends!1 Lesson 8 we did an activity where 5th grade students made a schedule. However it wasn't the usual `dream schedule` activity. Instead they made a schedule that would help them realise their dream. For example, if they wanted to become a baseball player they would write a schedule that would help them achieve that dream.
This is an example of one student's schedule.
After making the schedules we did an activity where their friends asked about their schedules and they explained the reasons for what they had chosen.

First the teachers did a demonstration of the activity.
What do you study on Monday?
I study Home Economics, English, Japanese and Library
(explanation in Japanese) I want to be a patissier. I chose Home Economics in order to become good at cooking. I need English if I want to cook in foreign countries and I need Japanese and Library to read and write recipes.
After both people have asked they sign each others paper.

After watching the demonstation the students started the activity.
Let's janken to decide who speaks first.
Rock, scissors, paper. 1, 2, 3!

Now, let's ask questions!
What do you study on Tuesday?
I study P.E., English, P.E. and Math.

Next, let's ask the reasons!
Great gesture!
(explanation in Japanese)I want to be a baseball player. I chose P.E. in order to become good at sports. I need English if I want to play in foreign countries and I need Math to work out scores.

Half-way through the activity the teachers stopped the students and picked two people to give a good demonstration.
Let's watch!
These two students had great reactions when they listened. They said "Nice!" when hearing about their friend's dream. Great job!

Then the teachers asked if there was anything else the students would like to say in reaction. Ms. Emily taught everyone "Nice dream!", "I see!", "Do your best!" and "Good luck!".

Then we started the activity again trying to think about the good demonstration we saw.
I see!
Good reactions!

Nice eye contact!

Great smile!

Everyone was very interested to learn about their classmates dreams. This lesson will be useful when we study about the English for jobs in 6th grade. Good work everyone!
5th Grade | - | -