5th Grade: Hi, friends!1 Lesson 1

This week 5th grade students started using their `Hi, friends!1` textbook for the first time.

First we did `Let's Listen 1`.
DSC_0286.jpg Students had to listen to the characters and write down their names.
"What was the girl in the blue sweater's name?"
DSC_0291.jpg "I know! I know! Suzuki Sakura!"

The students also had to think about what was different with the characters' greetings.
DSC_0320.jpg "Some of them say `Hi` but some say `Hello`"
"Yes, that's right! We use `Hi` with our friends but `Hello` with teachers and people we don't know."

Next, it was time for an activity. First the teachers gave a demonstration.
DSC_0326.jpg "Let's watch!"

The homeroom teacher tried really hard to talk to Ms. Keiko (in Japanese) but she didn't look at them.
DSC_0327.jpg She didn't make eye contact and didn't smile. She just gave short answers.

"Let's ask `How are you?`"
DSC_0329.jpg "I'm sad."

Then the students tried it themselves.
DSC_0300.jpg It was difficult to try to ignore our classmates! Everyone realised how it felt to be ignored.

After that, the teachers did another demonstration.
DSC_0303.jpg They are making eye contact and talking happily!

Next, it was the students turn!
DSC_0309.jpg Everyone is smiling and looks so happy!

We all realised how important eye contact and smiling is to communication.

Next we did a greeting game. We had prepared name cards during Tomilish Time earlier this week. First the teachers demonstrated.
DSC_0334.jpg "Nice to meet you!"

Then everyone exchanged name cards.
DSC_0312.jpg "Here you are!"

This was a great class for realising the importance of good communication!
5th Grade | - | -