4th Grade : Jambo! Hello! Anyohaseo!

4th grade students had their second English class of the year this week. Their first class was an orientation so this class is their first proper lesson. In this class they studied a mix of Let's Try!1 Unit 1 "Hello!" and Unit 2 "How are you?".

We started the class with studying greetings from around the world in Let's Try!1 Unit 1 "Hello!" . After learning about the different greetings we played an evolution janken game.3rd grade students also did a very similar lesson so you can see a more detailed description of the game: here.
DSC_4338.jpg First, everyone watched the teachers do a demonstration. This meant everyone understood the rules without having to have it explained in Japanese.

The students were careful to remember to greet each other before playing janken.
DSC_4349.jpg "Hello!"

Everyone really enjoyed doing the janken game.
DSC_4357.jpg" Rock, scissors, paper. 1, 2, 3!"

Students who reached the top level first tried to help everyone else.
DSC_4353.jpg The teachers praised the students who held their papers up high for everyone to see. "You are thinking about other people. They can easily find you. Good job!"

After that, we did the `Let's Listen` activity on page 4 of Let's Try!1 Unit 1 "Hello!".
IMG_0965.jpg The students had to listen to the different characters and match them with the right country.

The students also tried to catch what the characters names were.
DSC_4344.jpgSome of the names were very difficult to hear! Everyone tried hard to listen.

After studying about greetings around the world we moved onto Let's Try!1 Unit 2 "How are you?". We learned about the different ways to answer the question "How are you?". This was review for the students as they have studied about this a little in Tomilish Time.
First, the students guessed how their teachers felt by looking at their gestures.
Next, we did a greeting game and everyone did their best to do gestures.
DSC_4368.jpg "How are you?"

DSC_4365.jpg "I'm fine! Thank you!"

DSC_4345.jpg "I'm hungry"

Everyone tried to match their expressions and gestures to what they were saying.

Lastly, we asked the students what they thought about the days class. Students mentioned that they used a lot of gestures. We used this as a chance to teach the students some gestures used in countries around the world. We taught them these gestures:
IMG_0966.jpg Ms. Emily did the gesture and the students tried to guess the meaning. Everyone was interested to know the different gestures.

It was a fun class! Well done 4th grade students!
4th Grade | - | -

3rd Grade : World Greetings and Feelings

3rd grade students had their second English class of the year this week. Their first class was an orientation so this class is their first proper lesson. In this class they studied a mix of Let's Try!1 Unit 1 "Hello!" and Unit 2 "How are you?".

We started the class with studying greetings from around the world in Let's Try!1 Unit 1 "Hello!" . After learning about the different greetings we played an evolution janken game.
DSC_4309.jpg The students started on the Japanese level. They could make a pair with someone else showing the Japanese flag, greet each other in Japanese and then janken. The winner could move up to the next level (South Korea) while the loser had to find another person on the Japanese level to greeting. The levels we used are:
Japan - South Korea - Kenya - Australia - Any Country
The students who reach the last level can greet anyone which helps students who are on the lower levels to find more people to greet.

The students used an A4 paper that was folded with the different flags. This way they could show what level they were on and it was easier for everyone to find other people on the same level.
edited.jpg"We are both on the Kenya level! Let's greet!"

"Let's play rock, scissors, paper!"
DSC_4307.jpg "Rock, scissors, paper. 1, 2, 3!"

"Look! I reached the top level!"
edited2.jpg Good job!

After studying about greetings around the world we moved onto Let's Try!1 Unit 2 "How are you?". We learned about the different ways to answer the question "How are you?". This was review for the students as they have studied about this a little in Tomilish Time.
First, the students guessed how their teachers felt by looking at their gestures.
Next, we did a greeting game and everyone did their best to do gestures.
DSC_4310.jpg "Hello!"

DSC_4322.jpg"How are you?"

"I'm sleepy!"
DSC_4330.jpg"Oh no!"

"I'm good!"
DSC_4335.jpg "Nice!"

"See you!"
DSC_4321.jpg "Have a nice day!"

Lastly, the students moved back to their own classrooms where they finished completing their English nametags.
DSC_4336.jpg The students did their best to carefully trace their names.

Everyone wanted to make their nametags look nice.
DSC_4312.jpg Good job 3rd grade students! You worked hard!
3rd Grade | - | -