4th Grade : This is my favorite place.

Class 4-1 had their last class for the topic `My favorite place`. They have been studying how to give directions in English and the names for all the rooms in the school.

As a warm-up we played the fortune path game. One person picked a place to start at the bottom of the paper. They follow the path up with everyone giving directions.
"Go straight. Turn right. Go upstairs."
DSC_1335.jpg When they reach the top they reveal their fortune.
"I might find 500 yen on the street! Yeay!!"

Next, we reviewed the room names in English and phrases for giving directions.
DSC_1336.jpg "Go straight!"

After that we played the `Blind Directions` game. The students close their eyes and listen to the teacher's directions. They have to move their bodies to follow the directions. When the teachers say "Stop!" everyone should be facing the same way.
DSC_1337.jpg If people are facing in different directions, someone made a mistake. It's a fun game!

Next, the students looked at a map of the school and decided their favorite place.
DSC_1340.jpg They had to write in Japanese their reason for choosing that place.

The teachers and one of the students used the school map on the blackboard to give a demonstration.
"We are here. Please give directions to your favorite place."
DSC_1341.jpg Everyone watched carefully.

Then it was time to give directions to their favorite places. We used bottle caps with eyes drawn on to keep track of the directions.
DSC_1343.jpg Great eye contact!

Well done everyone! You worked hard!
4th Grade | - | -

4th Grade : Go straight!

4th grade students have been studying the topic `My favorite place`. In the first two classes they practiced saying the English names for all the rooms in the school. In this class we focused on giving directions while doing some fun activities.

The first activity was `Watermelon splitting`. Mr. Imada covered his eyes with a blindfold and the students had to give him directions to hit the watermelon (basketball).
DSC_1246.jpg "Go straight!"
"Turn right!"

Next, some of the students took turns to be blindfolded, too.
DSC_1247.jpg "Go straight!"
"Go straight!"
"Turn left!"

After this fun warm-up, everyone checked the English names for all the rooms in the school.

Then the students helped to put the picture cards in the right place on the map.
DSC_1255.jpg "Where is the roof?"
"Here is the roof!"

Lastly, we played the treasure hunting game. The students picked one room to hide `treasure` and had to guide their pair to the right room.

Students used school maps and bottle caps with eyes (to represent a person) in order to give and receive directions.
DSC_1259.jpg Many students could make it to the treasure room! Good job!
4th Grade | - | -

4th Grade : My favorite place

4th grade students have recently started a new topic, `My favorite place`. By the end of this topic they should be able to give directions to their favorite place in the school. For the first two classes of this topic we focused on learning the names of the rooms in the school.

We like to start class with a greeting game. Let's greet each other and praise something about our friends.
"Hello! Great smile!"
IMG_9054.jpg "Thank you! Nice t-shirt!"

Students try hard to make eye contact.
IMG_9055.jpg Good job!

Next, we did `Teacher Talk`.
"Where is your favorite place in the school?"
"It's the roof. There is a beautiful view."
"Where is the roof?"
IMG_9039.jpg "Turn left. Go straight. Go upstairs. Here is the roof!"
"Thank you!"

After that, we learned the names for the rooms. We learned about 6 names at a time. There are many rooms so it is too difficult to learn them all at once. "What's this?"
"That's right! Entrance!"

Next, we played the pointing game. First the teachers did a demonstration. Ms. Emily said the room name, everyone repeated it and Mr. Ota touched the right picture.
edited 1.jpg

Then, some of the students did it, too.
edited 2.jpg "We got it right!"

Next, the students played the game in pairs.
IMG_9082.jpg They had maps of the school with pictures for each room. They had to repeat the name of the room after Ms. Emily and point to the right room.

Gradually we sped up.
IMG_9083.jpg You can do it!

Everyone is very focused.

Saying the room names is very important, too! Don't just point!

It was a fun activity! It got very fast at the end!
IMG_9087.jpg Good job!

Well done 4th grade students!
4th Grade | - | -