5th Grade : Alphabet Quizzes

5th grade students had their third class studying the alphabet with Hi,friends!1 Lesson 6 `What do you want?` as well as Let's Try!1 Unit 6 `ALPHABET`. In this class the students did the dot-to-dot alphabet activities to their friends that they prepared last week.

After our usual greetings we did the alphabet song and dance.
IMG_2625.jpg The students are now pros at this song!

Next, Ms. Emily and Ms. Mayumi gave a demonstration of the dot-to-dot activity. Ms. Mayumi said the alphabet letters and Ms. Emily joined them together to make the design that Ms. Mayumi had created.
IMG_2602.jpg Ms. Mayumi did some alphabet gestures to help with understanding.

Then, everyone got into pairs to do the activity for themselves.
IMG_2600.jpg The students did their best to give gesture hints if the alphabet letter was hard to understand.

Once one person in the pair had finished the activity we stopped for a break and asked everyone which alphabet letters were hard for everyone to understand. Ms. Emily gave everyone some tips to help them to tell the difference between the different letters.
IMG_2632.jpg "For B/V, G/Z and M/N if you look at the mouth of the person who is speaking you will be able to tell what letter they are saying!"

When we started the activity again everyone tried hard to watch the person speaking's mouth in order to understand what they were saying.
IMG_2612.jpgIt's important to watch!

The students did their best to give hints such as `Up!` or `Right!` as well as doing gestures. Can you tell what letters these are?
IMG_2630.jpg This is an easy letter!

IMG_2592.jpg This hint is difficult!

The students could make many nice designs and shapes by listening to their friends alphabet dot-to-dot explanations.
IMG_2618.jpg It's a music note!

Finally, we had some extra time so we did a difficult A-Z alphabet dot-to-dot.
IMG_2635.jpg The students had to join the letters A-Z in order 5 times!

IMG_2639.jpg It made a picture in the end. Everyone tried really hard to finish the activity.

Once they finished they showed it to Ms. Emily to check.
IMG_2647.jpg "What letter is this?"

The students were proud when they managed to finish!
IMG_2623.jpg Good job!!
5th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : More Alphabet Games

5th grade students have continued studying the alphabet with Hi,friends!1 Lesson 6 `What do you want?` as well as Let's Try!1 Unit 6 `ALPHABET`.

We started class with `Teacher Talk`. The teachers wanted to go bowling but Ms. Mayumi had to write everyone's names down in order to bowl. She asked the question "How do you spell your name?". Students who wanted to bowl also did the same thing.
IMG_2529.jpg "How do you spell your name?"

Next, in pairs the students practiced asking each other about how to spell their names.
IMG_2552.jpg "M....I..."

The students used their alphabet cards in order to spell out their friends names.
IMG_2535.jpg "..S.."

Sometimes the students didn't have enough letters so they used the letters written in their textbook.
IMG_2532.jpg Nice idea!

After that, we played karuta with the alphabet cards.
IMG_2558.jpg The teachers tried to call letters that sound similar such as `G` and `Z` or `B` and `V`.

IMG_2562.jpg "V!"

For the last activity the students created quizzes. Last week Ms.Emily gave an alphabet quiz. The students connected the letters she said in order to make a shape. This week it was the students turn to create a quiz.
IMG_2538.jpg They had to use more than 10 letters.

IMG_2574.jpg Everyone tried to make an interesting shape.

IMG_2575.jpg Great quiz idea!

In the next class the students will give their alphabet quizzes to each other.
5th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Alphabet Games

5th grade students also started a new topic last week. They have started Hi,friends!1 Lesson 6 `What do you want?` and we will also be using some of Let's Try!1 Unit 6 `ALPHABET`. The students have already studied the phrase `What do you want?` when they were 3rd grade students and we also plan to include it later when talking about our birthdays, so for this topic we will mostly focus on becoming familiar the alphabet.

We started class with a greeting game. 5th grade students have recently been focusing on linking their conversations. In order to help demonstrate this Ms. Mayumi did a demonstration with one of the students.
IMG_2485.jpg "What's your favorite character?"
"I like Nebaru-kun."
"Oh, I see. Do you like natto?"
"Yes, I do! I love natto."

Then, it was time for everyone else to try, too.
IMG_2450.jpg Clear voices!

IMG_2466.jpg Good eye contact!

IMG_2455.jpg Nice smiles!

Next the teachers asked some students to come to the front of the room. We realized that they were all wear clothes with capital letters on them. We read the English letters together.
IMG_2471.jpg "A. T. H. L. E. T..."

IMG_2474.jpg "D. R. I.."

Many people were wearing English letters! Ms. Mayumi also showed us some pictures that she took in the area around our school. We all found a lot of English letters in the pictures.
IMG_2500.jpg "M. I. Y. A. G. I. It says Miyagi!"

Next, we did the alphbet chant. The students did this chant at the beginning of the year too so it was fun and familiar for everyone.
IMG_2476.jpg Everyone danced along with gestures. They are doing the `W` gesture in this picture.

Can you tell what gesture this is?
IMG_2501.jpg It's `V`!

Next, we did `Let's Play 1` from the Hi,friends!1 textbook.
IMG_2478.jpgThe students had to find the capital letters hidden in the picture.

IMG_2479.jpg They circled all the letters that they found.

Then, we checked our answers together.
IMG_2483.jpg "R is here. Rabbit!"

After that, the students connected the alphabet letters in the order that Ms. Emily said.
IMG_2462.jpg "J. T. U..."

At the end all the letters joined together to make a shape. Here is the shape half-way completed:
IMG_2464.jpg Can you tell what it will be? It's a ribbon!

In the next class the students will make their own versions of this game and do it with their friends. It sounds like fun!
5th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Let's make parfaits!

5th grade students had their last class on Hi,friends!1 Lesson 6 `What do you want?`. We have been using the phrase in greeting games too by asking "What do you want for your birthday?".
After our usual greeting game we had `Teacher Talk`. The teachers showed some other situations where you can use the phrase `What do you want?`.
DSC_1381.jpg They were shopping at a supermarket.
"What do you want?"
"I want potato chips, please."

Next, it was time for chants.
"Let's listen!"
DSC_1420.jpg Everyone did the listen gesture together.

During the "What do you want?" chant the students did a lot of gestures.
DSC_1422.jpg "I want the V card please."

The teachers also thought of choreography to dance to the alphabet chant.
DSC_1424.jpg Having choreography makes during the chant a lot of fun. Everyone did their best!

After the chants, we practiced using the phrase "What do you want?" by using alphabet flashcards. First, we needed volunteers to help us put the all on the board.
DSC_1428.jpg The teachers also put some of the cards upside-down for the students to fix.

Ms. Emily would close her eyes while Ms. Keiko pointed to a card. Then she asked "What do you want?". If Ms. Emily gave the students the right card then we knew that their pronunciation was good. It was a good way to practice.

Next, it was time for the main activity, making parfaits.
DSC_1385.jpgFirst the teachers did a demonstration and then we did a demonstration with the students, too.

Ms. Keiko asked, "What do you want?".
DSC_1391.jpg The students requested many different parfait toppings.

Wow! Look at that parfait!
DSC_1393.jpgMs. Keiko made it!

After the demonstration, we handed out the materials to the students.
DSC_1445.jpg When the students get given something they have to make eye contact and say "Thank you!".

Each pair had one set of ingredients.
DSC_1394.jpgThe glass is a little big!

The students worked together in pairs.
DSC_1400.jpg They took turns to make parfaits for each other.

We changed pairs to make parfaits for different people.
DSC_1446.jpg The parfaits looked delicious.

Finally the teachers pick one pair to give a good demonstration to everyone.
DSC_1403.jpg Good job!
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5th Grade : Collect 5

5th grade students have been studying Hi,friends!1 Lesson 6 `What do you want?`. This lesson also includes studying capital letters of the alphabet. The easiest way to practice both these things at once is the game `Collect 5`.

Students chose 5 alphabet cards and then pick one card that they want to collect (i.e. I want 5 A cards). Their friends ask them "What do you want?" and they answer "I want an A card, please". If their friend has an A card then they have to give it to them.
DSC_1234.jpg The students really enjoy this game!

Once they have collected 5 cards that are the same, they put the cards on their chair and pick 5 new alphabet cards.
DSC_1226.jpgIn this way, they can continue to participate even thought they have reached the original goal.

"I have 5 R cards!"
DSC_1228.jpg "Good job! Please pick 5 new cards."

Half-way through the activity the teachers picked some students to give a good demonstration.
DSC_1230.jpg Ms. Keiko spoke very quietly.
"One more time, please!"
It's important to ask if you didn't hear what your friends said.

Let's try again!
DSC_1236.jpg Great eye contact!

"Here you are!"
DSC_1240.jpg Nice English!

It was a very fun activity!
5th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Alphabet Chain Game

After finishing `What's this?`, 5th grade students have started studying Hi,friends!1 Lesson 6 `What do you want?`.

For the greeting game this time we practiced the question `How many?`.
DSC_1140.jpg"Hello, Ms. Yayoi! How are you?"
"I'm a little tired. How are you?"
"I'm good, thank you. How many As on your t-shirt?"

After the teachers' demonstration everyone walked around the room freely and asked each other.
DSC_1178.jpg "How many pink hearts?"

DSC_1144.jpg "How many Es?"

DSC_1166.jpg "4!"

Next we practiced answering the question "What do you want?". The teachers pointed to a card on the board and everyone answered "The B card, please".
DSC_1150.jpg We made it more interesting by Ms. Emily closing her eyes and listening for the answer. If she picked the right card to give everyone then the pronunciation was right. We used this to practice similar letters like B/V, M/N, and G/Z.

After that the students played the chain game. They got into groups of 4 or 5 and played janken to decide their order.

Students asked together "What do you want?" to each student.
DSC_1152.jpg The students had to say what alphabet card they wanted as well as the cards for the students before them. Student 4 had to say their own card as well as those for student 1, student 2 and student 3.

If the students couldn't remember what previous people had said, their friends gave them hints using gestures.
DSC_1158.jpg She is making the letter `C` with her arms. Good job!

For the last activity we played the snakes and ladders boardgame.
DSC_1160.jpg The teachers and some students gave a demonstration to everyone.

Using the boardgame everyone can practice asking "What do you want?" many times together which builds their confidence.
DSC_1163.jpg Nice gestures!

Good job everyone!
5th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Let's make parfaits!

Do you like parfaits? Let's make parfaits for our friends! This was the last activity that we did when studying "What do you want?".

First you need some boxes of supplies and delicious ingredients.
There is lots of different kinds of fruit and ice cream too!

Look at this ice cream! What flavour is it? It's vanilla!

Last year, our English Volunteer made these ice creams for us! She made 4 different flavours: chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and neopolitan (mixed).
Thank you so much for making them!

The first step in making parfaits is to split into two teams. The teams take turns to make parfaits for each other.

What do you want?

Hmmm...let's check the ingredients. What should we pick?

I want pineapple, please. Let's cut the pineapple.

I want lemon, please. He he he. This parfait will be sour!

I want chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice creams, please. 3 ice creams!!

Finished! Wow! What a great parfait!

We had so much fun!
5th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Word Making

We had a great lesson with 5th grade students. They have been studying Hi, friends!1 Lesson 6 (the alphabet and "What do you want?"). We used pages 22 and 23 of the textbook to do a word making activity.

First the students made groups and each group split into two teams.

The first team picked a sign on pages 22 and 23 of the textbook. What should we pick?

Then the second team asked them "What do you want?"

The C card, please. Doing gestures helps too. This is a great C gesture!

Here you are!

Once the word is finished, the teams change roles. They can make many words!

TV. Supermarket. I wonder what word starts with B? What do you think?


This team had a great idea. They spread out the cards so they were easy to find. Good job!

It was a great activity!
5th Grade | - | -

5th Grade : Chain Game

Today we'll introduce a good warm-up activity. It's called the Chain Game.
5th grade students played this game when they were practicing:
Q: What do you want?
A: I want the C card, please.

First the teachers and some students did a demonstration. Everyone has to janken to decide who is first.


Ms. Emily lost so everyone laughed!


In the demonstration we use big cards so everyone can understand. Everyone asks the first person "What do you want?" They pick one alphabet to answer. I want the O card please!


Then we ask the second person. They have to pick an alphabet and answer with the first person's answer too. I want the O card and the D card, please. The chain gets longer and longer!


The students played this game in groups. Without holding cards, it is a little difficult to remember!


They could practice the question "What do you want?" many times.


The students gave each other hints and made alphabet shapes with their hands. It's a good game to warm-up!
5th Grade | - | -