Reading Time : 2nd Grade

Every Monday morning we have reading time. Ms. Emily, Ms. Mayumi and Ms. Keiko often go to class to read English books for everyone.

Recently, Ms. Emily read to class 2-4. She read the book `Little Owl Lost` by Chris Haughton.
little-owl-lost.jpgIt's about an owl who falls out of his nest and has to search for his mother. The other animals listen to his description of his mother and try to find her.

"My mother has big ears."
IMG_2329.jpg"Oh! I know your mother! Let's go!"
The squirrel tries hard to find the right animal.

Everyone enjoyed listening to the owl describe his mother and guessing what animal the squirrel would suggest next.
"My mother is big."
IMG_2319.jpg "Maybe he will suggest a bear!!!"
It was a very fun book.

Ms. Keiko read to class 2-3. She read the book `What's in the Witch's Kitchen?` by Nick Sharratt.
witchskitchen.jpg The students read this book in English class last year, too. The students can pick whether to open the containers in the kitchen up, down, left or right. Depending on the way each container is opened it either contains something nice or something nasty.

"Shall we open it? Up? Down?"
IMG_2333.jpg "Up! Up!"

"I wonder if it's something nice..."
IMG_2335.jpg "Oh no! It's spiders!!"
It's a very intersting book.

Everyone looks forward to English reading time!
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Using books in English Class

This year we have been trying to use picture books more in English class. We always read a picture book at the end of every English class for 1st and 2nd grade students.
DSC_2025.jpg The students always enjoy listening to the story and looking at the pictures.

We try to pick books that are linked to the topic we are teaching.
edited.jpg Ms. Emily asked questions to the students to make it more interesting. "What's this?"

We have also been trying to use picture books in some classes with the older students, too. Recently we have enjoyed using this series of books. They are aimed specifically at topics that the students will study.
book pic.jpg We used this book for 5th grade students (Hi,friends!1 Lesson 9 `What would you like?`) and also 3rd grade students (shop names topic).

For 5th and 6th grade students we like to use the book in the first class of the topic.
edited.jpgReading the picture book is another form of input for the students.

If there are conversations in the book, sometimes the teachers read together.

These books also have pictures of real places which was very interesting for the students.
edited.jpg The students enjoy reading time very much.

We will continue to try and use picture books as much as possible in our classes. We love reading!
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Monday Morning Reading Time : Lower grades

Every Monday morning we have reading time. Ms. Emily and Ms. Keiko often go to class to read English books for everyone.

Before autumn vacation, Ms. Emily read to class 1-3. She read the book `Dear Zoo`. It's about the zoo sending lots of different animals to be pets.
CIMG7939.jpg "A lion, as a pet?! Oh no! No, thank you!!"

edited.jpg The students enjoyed guessing what animals would appear and answering if they thought they would be a good pet.

This week, Ms. Keiko read to class 2-1. She read the book `Five Little Monkeys`.
IMG_7837.jpg It was a big book so one of the students helped to hold it so that everyone could see. Thank you for helping!

IMG_7843.jpg The end of the book is very funny. If you want to know what happens, you should read it! Class 2-1 recommends it!
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Monday Morning Reading Time Restart!

Every Monday morning at Tomizawa Elementary School we have reading time and sometimes the teachers use this time to read English picture books to the students. This week English reading time restarted after the summer holidays. Last year we only had English reading time for 1st-4th graders however the 5th and 6th grade students also asked to have English reading time so this year the English teachers will visit every grade.

Today 6th grade students had English reading time for the first time ever. Everyone was looking forward to it very much.
DSCN0190.jpg Ms. Emily visited class 6-1 and Ms. Goto visited class 6-2.

Ms. Emily read the book "No, David!" by David Shannon. It's about a boy who does many naughty things.
No david.jpg His mother is always angry with him and says "No, David!" a lot.

David does many funny things in the book.
edited 1.jpg Ms. Emily laughed while she was reading it.

edited 3.jpg All the students laughed, too. We recommend this book!

Ms. Goto read the book "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" by Eileen Christelow.
5 little monkeys.jpg The book has a chant that everyone can say together.
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

The students acted out the story while Ms. Goto said the chant.
DSCN0195.jpg "1 little monkey jumping on the bed!"

DSCN0199.jpg Jump!!

English reading time was so much fun!
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Monday Morning Reading - Start!

Many people are sleepy on Monday mornings but at Tomizawa Elementary school we have the perfect way to warm-up our brains: Reading Time!
It's a nice way to start the week. It's even more exciting when Ms. Emily or Ms. Keiko come to class to read English books!

Today, classes 2-1 and 2-2 had English read-aloud time! We read the book 'Ketchup On Your Cornflakes?' by Nick Sharratt. We introduced the book on our blog last year: here. It was the first time for these students to see this book.
The students listened carefully and tried to answer the questions with "Yes!" or "No!".
The questions can be really silly so the students laughed a lot.
"Do you like toothpaste on your head?"
"Hahahaha! No! No! No!"

As well as reading 'Ketchup On Your Cornflakes", we also read some other books that the children had read last year. It was nice to review the English they already knew.

"Let's check the colors!"
"What color is this?"
"It's pink."

After checking the color names they read the book 'Color Surprise'.
There are different animals behind colored flaps so it was great to review animals, too!

This was a great start to Monday Morning Reading for this year. We're all looking forward to reading many new English books!
We are all ready to start learning after our reading warm-up!
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Monday Morning Reading Time

Every Monday morning we have reading time for 15 minutes. Usually, the students read books by themselves. However, sometimes teachers or volunteers will read a story aloud. Ms. Emily tries to visit a different classs every week. She reads a book to the students in English.

We try to choose books that the students will find interesting and that are related to their English classes. The 3rd graders were studying about food so we read `The Hungry Caterpillar`.

The 1st graders have been learning the English names for animals. The book `Dear Zoo` has many different animals in it.


From time to time, other teachers also read stories in English. This book `Five little monkeys` helps practice counting numbers.

Homeroom teachers have also tried hard to read books in English. Great job!

Reading time is a great way for the students to enjoy English!
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