Monday Morning Reading - Start!

Many people are sleepy on Monday mornings but at Tomizawa Elementary school we have the perfect way to warm-up our brains: Reading Time!
It's a nice way to start the week. It's even more exciting when Ms. Emily or Ms. Keiko come to class to read English books!

Today, classes 2-1 and 2-2 had English read-aloud time! We read the book 'Ketchup On Your Cornflakes?' by Nick Sharratt. We introduced the book on our blog last year: here. It was the first time for these students to see this book.
The students listened carefully and tried to answer the questions with "Yes!" or "No!".
The questions can be really silly so the students laughed a lot.
"Do you like toothpaste on your head?"
"Hahahaha! No! No! No!"

As well as reading 'Ketchup On Your Cornflakes", we also read some other books that the children had read last year. It was nice to review the English they already knew.

"Let's check the colors!"
"What color is this?"
"It's pink."

After checking the color names they read the book 'Color Surprise'.
There are different animals behind colored flaps so it was great to review animals, too!

This was a great start to Monday Morning Reading for this year. We're all looking forward to reading many new English books!
We are all ready to start learning after our reading warm-up!
Reading Time | - | -