Tomilish Time: Let's talk with other classes!

Next week in Tomilish Time each class will join up with a class from another grade. In order to prepare for this, the students practiced within their grade this week.

First the teachers gave a demonstration.
Let's watch!

Different grades did different activites but they all practiced greetings. The lower grade practiced simple greetings. 5th and 6th grade students can already do English greetings very well so they added extra things such as gestures.

After watching the demonstration the students greeted each other.

Everyone tried hard to speak to many different people! Well done!

After everyone had finished the teachers picked some students to demonstrate to everyone.
The students all did a great job! Well done!

We're all looking forward to using English with other grades next week!
Tomilish Time 朝活動 | - | -

2nd Grade : Do you like~? Quiz

Yesterday, class 2-4 had their second English class. In their first class they studied vegetables and colors. They also did a `float or sink` quiz.
Everyone was looking forward to their second class.

First they looked at pictures of the inside of vegetables and guessed their names.
What's this? Can you guess!

I know! I know! It's a potato!

We remembered the English vegetables and colors that we learnt in the first class. The word `egg plant` was the most difficult to remember!

Then, our school English mascot, Anejiro visited the class! He helped to demonstrate the conversation:
"Do you like ...?"
"Yes, I do./No, I don't."
We asked Anejiro about the vegetables he liked. Then he asked us many "Do you like...?" questions. It was a vegetable quiz!

If you want to answer "Yes, I do!" then you sit on the green mat.
If you want to answer "No, I don't!" then you sit on the pink mat.

After the students had moved Anejiro and Ms.Nahoko checked their answers.
Do you like onions? Yes, I do!

No, I don't!
The students did gestures when they answered.

It was a very fun activity!
2nd Grade | - | -