Upper Grades Tomilish Time : Let's practice!

This week during Upper Grades Tomilish Time both 5th and 6th grade students practiced the English they have been studying in class.

5th grade students have recently been studying the phrase `What do you study on Monday?`. They had each made a schedule after thinking about what they want to be in the future. We mixed up the classes to allow the students to practice with people other than their classmates. The students asked each other what they had chosen and why.
IMG_9976.jpg "What do you study on Tuesday?"

IMG_9966.jpg"I study Japanese and math."

IMG_9971.jpg Good eye contact! It's very difficult to avoid looking at your paper when talking. Well done!

IMG_9977.jpg Everyone was very interested to see what students in other classes had picked. It was fun!

6th grade students have been studying different things depending on their class as one of the classes is further behind than the others due to the open school event.
Class 6-1 have just finished studying the topic`He is famous`. They have been studying adjectives and using the words `He` or `She` to describe their friends.
DSC02212.jpg First they reviewed all the adjectives. The teachers acted out some of the words. It was very funny!

Then, the students got into groups and gave each other quizzes like they had done in class.
IMG_0867.jpg "He is funny. He is handsome. He is outgoing. Who is he?"

Classes 6-2 and 6-3 have recently started studying Hi, friends!2 Lesson 6 `What time do you get up?`. We always like to start with the chant to refresh everyones' memories.

The 15 minutes that we have for Tomilish Time is the perfect amount of time to do some of the listening activities in the textbook.

The students try their best.

"You can do it! Don't give up!"

Good job everyone!
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