6th Grade : Let's give each other advice

This week 6th grade students had their third class on Hi,friends!2 Lesson 7 `We are good friends`. They have been making their own original Momotaro skits. Since this class in the half-way point in the unit we decided that it would be a good time to check everyones' progress.

Usually after greetings, Ms. Emily asks the students three questions:
"How is the weather today?"
"What day is it today?"
"What is the date today?"
As the students have been answering these questions for two years we decided it would be a good challenge for the students to ask the questions instead.
DSC_3905.jpg These three students volunteered to ask the questions. In the next class we'll ask three different students to try.

We asked each of the three groups to show around 1/3 of their skit.
DSC_3904.jpgThe groups took turns to show the beginning, middle or end of their skit while everyone watched.

Here is a preview of some of the action:
DSC_3893.jpg The demons are kidnapping Suicajiro!

DSC_3913.jpg Princess Kaguya is arriving in a rocket.

DSC_3914.jpg Everyone celebrates getting delicious food.

edited.jpg Momotaro and the Demon Boss decide to get married!

As you can tell their skits are very original! After watching the other students gave advice.
DSC_3917.jpg "Your voices were a little small. Please speak louder."

DSC_3912.jpg "The story was hard to follow. Please add more gestures"

After listening to the advice the groups had a short time to discuss the advice they were given.
DSC_3898.jpg "Let's change this scene so it's easier to understand."

Next week, we have our last two English classes for the school year. We will use one class to practice our skits and then everyone will perform in the last English classes. Watching the skits will be very interesting!
6th Grade | - | -