Upper Grades Tomilish Time : Let's mix classes!

During 5th and 6th grade Tomilish Time this week, both grades mixed the classes together so the students had a chance to use the English they have been studying with new people. This is a good way to keep activities interesting while allowing the students repeated practice.

5th grade students have been learning the phrase "When is your birthday?". The students had to find other students whose birthday was in the same month as their own and make a group. After that activity the students had to find someone whose birthday was on the same day of the month (2nd, 6th, 31st, etc.) as theirs.
"When is your birthday?"
DSC_1745.jpg Great smiles!

DSC_1747.jpg Nice eye contact!

DSC_1752.jpg Good gestures!
It was a very interesting activity. Everyone enjoyed discovering the birthdays of their friends in different classes.

6th grade students used their `This is me` books to introduce themselves to their friends from other classes.
IMG_0365.jpg Nice smile!

IMG_0367.jpg Good eye contact!

IMG_0368.jpg Great gesture!
"One more time, please!". This is a great phrase to use when you didn't hear what the person said.

Well done 5th and 6th grade students!
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