Tomilish Time : Whole grade practice

In Tomilish Time the students have been practicing asking and answering the phrase "Do you like~?". This week the students gathered together in their grades to practice together before mixing with other grade levels in the coming weeks.

First the students reviewed the topics they will be asking about.
1st and 4th grade: colors
2nd and 5th grade: vegetables
3rd and 6th grade: sports
DSCN8297.jpg "What color is this?"
"Yes, that's right!"

After the teachers gave a demonstration of the conversation, it was time for the students to try themselves.
DSCN8300.jpg The students enjoyed talking to people from other classes.

They tried hard to use gestures.
DSCN8309.jpg "Do you like blue?"

DSCN8313.jpg "Yes, I do!"

They also worked hard the important points for making conversations.
DSCN8303.jpg Nice eye contact and smiles!

After the activity the teachers picked some students to give a good demonstration or ask the teachers "Do you like~?" questions.
DSCN8319.jpg "Clear voice, please!"

Good job everyone! We are looking forward to talking with students from other grades in the next Tomilish Time!
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