5th Grade : Can you swim?

This year 5th grade students have been studying some topics that are not in the current Hi,friends! textbook. They had their first class on the topic `He can run. She can sing.` In this topic they will study how to talk about what someone else can do.

After our usual greeting game, we read a picture book.
IMG_9579.jpg The title was `What can you do?`.

The teachers read it together doing gestures and acting like the animals.
IMG_9586.jpg Mr. Suda is being the dolphin.
"Hello bird! I can swim! Can you swim?"

Next, we did the chant from Hi,friends! Lesson 3 `I can swim.`
IMG_9592.jpg The students tried hard to use clear voices and do gestures.

Next, we practiced how to asked and answer the question "Can you ~?". We used the animals from the picture book and the things they could do.
"Can you dig?"
"Can you fly?"

After practicing the teachers show us a demonstration of the `Animal Card Game`.
DSC_2242.jpg Each student got a card with an animal from the book and a picture of what it could do. They had to walk around and try and guess what animal card other students had by asking `Can you~?` questions.

"It's English Only time!"
DSC_2245.jpg The students did their best not to speak Japanese.

DSC_2247.jpg Good eye contact!

DSC_2253.jpg Nice smiles!

Good job everyone!
5th Grade | - | -