4th Grade : What time is it?

4th grade students have started to study a new topic. The topic is `What time is it?`.

First, we had Teacher Talk. The teachers talked about their daily schedule. The students had to listen to them talking and try to guess what they were saying.

Next, we reviewed numbers. Students have already studied numbers so we just had to refresh our memories.
IMG_9697.jpg We practiced the difference between similar sounding numbers such as `13` and `30`.

We did a chant with "What time is it?" and practiced saying simple times. It's 9. It's 7.
DSC_1462.jpg Once the students were comfortable with this we introduced 9am and 9pm using the timeline on the blackboard and asked the students what they noticed. We also showed them the time 9:30 and asked them how they thought it would be in English.

We also learned the names of daily activities in English
IMG_9698.jpg "Lunch time! I like lunch time!"

We played time bingo.
IMG_9702.jpg Everyone asked Ms. Emily "What time is it?" and we had to circle the answer. It was a fun activity.

IMG_9709.jpg "Oh no! She said 9:30. My paper has 9:00! So close!"

Lastly the teachers showed a small skit. Ms. Mayumi called Ms. Emily in Scotland. She didn't realise there is a time difference! Ms. Emily was sleeping! Oh no!
IMG_9710.jpg The students realised that there are time differences between countries around the world. How interesting!

Good job 4th grade students!
4th Grade | - | -