Sports Day Posters

There is one big event at the end of May for our school. Do you know what it is? It's Sports Day (運動会)! This month the Display Committee (掲示委員会) have made posters on the theme of Sports Day.

This is the display that is in the entrance of the school.
IMG_8235.jpg The pictures are all from Ms. Emily's (our ALT) elementary school Sports Day in Scotland.

The students were most surprised that there are no opening or closing ceremonies at a Sports Day in Scotland.
IMG_8236.jpg In the picture on the right you can see one of the events 'standing long jump'. The older students are helping to write down the scores.

Another event is the '3-legged-race'. We have this even in Japan, too!
IMG_8237.jpg The students are split into 3 teams (red, white and blue). They don't compete as a class. Ms. Emily was in the blue team.

Do you know this event? It's called the 'potato sack race'. You have to get into a big sack and jump to the finish. It is so fun! Everyone wants to try it!
IMG_8238.jpg Sports Day takes place on a weekday so many parents are working. Some parents still come to watch.

Two more events are the 'egg and spoon race' and the 'tug-of-war'. We do the 'tug-of-war' in Japan, too!
IMG_8239.jpg All the events are held on the grass soccer field. This is very different to Tomizawa Elementary School. There is no sand!

Some of the students made their poster into a quiz! Nice job!

We hope everyone will enjoy learning about Sports Day in another country!
Posters and Displays | - | -