6th Grade : Final Event Presentations

Recently, 6th grade students had their last lesson on We Can! 1 Unit 2 "When is your birthday?". Since they studied about birthdays last year as well we used the opportunity to study a different topic using dates. The students created their own original events and did presentations about them. Half of the students presented about their events in the previous class and the rest of them finished in this class.

As we wanted a lot of time for the students to do their presentations we skipped our usual greeting game and chants and went straight to the presentations.

First, Ms. Mayumi and one of the students did a demonstration. While the student demonstrated how to do an enthusiastic presentation, Ms. Mayumi showed the students watching and listening what sorts of reactions they should make.
screenshot10.jpg "Oh! Nice idea!"

After watching the demonstration it was time for the other students to do their presentations.
screenshot12.jpg "Hello!"

First, they introduced themselves.
screenshot11.jpg"My name is ~."

Then they introduced their original event.
screenshot14.jpg "I produce `Dragonfly Festival`".

The students also encouraged others to react to their event annoucements.
screenshot13.jpg "I produce `Eclair Festival`. Yeay!!"

After that the students talked about the date of their festival.
"It's on February 9th."
screenshot23.jpg "Why?"
The students explained their reasoning in Japanese, "The numbers 2 and 9 sound like `meat` so it's on February 9th."

After that the students talked about the activities that are part of their event in Japanese.
screenshot16.jpg Nice smile!

screenshot22.jpg Good eye contact!

screenshot24.jpg Good job!

screenshot20.jpg Great gestures!

The students ended their presentations by asking the other students to come to their event.
screenshot19.jpg "Please come! See you!"

Everyone tried their best. This was their first time doing a presentation so it was a little difficult for them.

Here are some examples of the events that the students created.
IMG_1284.jpg Eggs from around the world! Sounds interesting!

IMG_1285.jpg I want to try foreign sweets, too!

IMG_1286.jpg Talking is so fun!

Good job 6th grade students! You did your best!
6th Grade | - | -