Tomilish Time : Grade Greeting Games

In this week's Tomilish Time with the whole school, the students got together in their grades to do greeting games.

Since it was the first time for 1st grade students to do a greeting game, some of the 6th grade students went to their classrooms to teach them what to do.
First, they taught them the `Hello Song`. They practiced doing all the gestures. The 6th grade students also said the words of the song slowly so the 1st grade students could repeat them.
DSC_4296.jpg Everyone tried their best to do the gestures and sing along.

After practicing the `Hello Song` a few times we did the greeting game. The 6th grade students gave a demonstration. They made eye contact, smiled and said "Hello!" while giving each other a high five. After watching the demonstration, it was time for everyone to try.
edited2.jpg "Hello!"

The 6th grade students also did the greeting game with everyone.
edited.jpg "Hello!"

"Who enjoyed Tomilish Time today?"
DSC_4300.jpg "Me!"
So many students raised their hands! Thank you, 6th grade students for your help!

While the 1st grade students were practicing in their classrooms the other grades got together in some of the big rooms to greet each other.
Everyone watched the teachers give a demonstration.
IMG_0188.jpg "Nice Addidas tracksuit top!"
"Thank you! I like blue."

The 5th and 6th grade students gathered together in the gym. They know a lot of English so they could talk about many things in the greeting game.
IMG_0190.jpg "Do you like natto?"
"Yes, I do!"

2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students did their best in their grade levels.
IMG_0938.jpg "How are you?"

Half-way through the greeting game the teachers picked some students to give a good demonstration.
IMG_0932.jpg Nice eye contact!

The other students announced what they thought about the demonstration.
IMG_0197.jpg "They had clear voices."

Everyone continued with the greeting game while thinking about the good points of the demonstration.
IMG_0935.jpg Great smiles!

DSC_4298.jpg Good gestures!

Good job everyone!
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