Warning: Use of undefined constant TIMEZONE - assumed 'TIMEZONE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/ele/saiwai/public_html/happynews/moby.php on line 13

Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID 'TIMEZONE' is invalid in /var/www/html/ele/saiwai/public_html/happynews/moby.php on line 13

Notice: Undefined variable: logform in /var/www/html/ele/saiwai/public_html/happynews/moby.php on line 454


[1]卒業式の練習? 2014/03/10
[2]卒業式の練習? 2014/03/07
[3]同窓会入会式 2014/03/06
[4]6年生を送る会 2014/03/05
[5]卒業式の練習? 2014/03/05
[6]お話朝会 2014/03/04
[7]卒業式の練習? 2014/03/03
[8]生活科「むかしあそび」 2014/02/28
[9]生活科「おもちゃまつり」 2014/02/27
[10]きれいな学校にしよう 2014/02/26

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